Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Towards the end of the beginning

No more job, no more home. The bags are packed, many goodbyes have been said and we have no more sleeps in Bristol.

It's actually happening, after so much talking and planning we are nearly there.

I'll let you know when it starts to feel real!


Monday, 20 July 2009

Unemployed with a resting heart rate of 60bpm

My first official day of being unemployed..boy is it tough!!

This morning I got up and the only question I had to ask myself was 'what do I want to do?'. There are a few things left that need to be done but I'm not concerned about those today and I am looking forward to forgetting about the 'need to do' or 'have to do' things.

Vicky's still got a week at work before the question becomes 'what do we want to do?', but boredom is already becoming a forgotten concept.

15 days till Finland, I'm off to do something that I want to do, or maybe I just want to do nothing for now. It's a tough life but I'm getting used to it pretty quick.


Sunday, 12 July 2009

Packing up

a day of packng and what do we have to show for it? most of our 'things' fit into eight boxes in the garage and alot of bags for the charity shop, it's amazing how much you can accumulate when you have big wardrobes and a garage, even Glen found he had eighteen pairs of shoes!

a great night with friends followed by dippy eggs and a cup of tea for breakfast - there are some things that will be greatly missed!!!