Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Arriving in Delhi, India

The air is black with pollution and the noise is incredible, horns go all though the day and night continuously. The smells are mixed, sometimes the air is delicious with spices and cooking, other times the burning incense makes me light headed and frequently it just smells of shit. The lack of public hygiene is apparent as soon you step out of the door. The colours are vibrant with bright materials and spices and gold and silver sparkles everywhere. Instantly we love the people, everyone wants to sell us something or give us advise about getting ripped off by scamers. We have spent hours talking and laughing with them. One guy gave us tea and another lunch which we ate standing in a dusty market with the roof falling in. It was incredibly tasty but Glen was slightly put off when he found a finger nail in it. We have wondered through the bazaars where men chased us to buy there goods and cows wander freely amount the traffic of motos, cycle rickshaws, cars and people. The evening brought a realisation of the poverty here as we watched men, women and children burn cardboard to warm there bare feet and other crawl under buses to stay warm to sleep. It's heartbreaking. The view of the city from the tower of the mosque was incredible. We saw tin roofs spread as far as the pollution would allow and the crazy streets seemed no less manic. There is no clear order to the buildings and the people and transport merge around them, eagles circle the skies above watching.

Already we love incredible! India

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